Math - Finish classwork
Science - Work on science project. Proposal form due tomorrow. Religion - Finish Lesson 12 assignment. ELA - Study vocab. SS - none Reading - none Reminders - Mass on Friday. Get Progress Reports signed by tomorrow.
Math - workbook 149 all
Science - Come up with possible Science Fair Project ideas. Religion - Finish notes for Lesson 12. ELA - pg. 268-269 #7-16. Vocab - finish last two pages. SS - Study for test. Reading - Finish questions. Reminders - Mass on Friday. Math - none
Science - none Religion - Finish notes for pgs. 128-132 ELA - Finish classwork. SS - Finish Section 4 notes and Checkpoint qns for Sections 3-4. Test Wednesday. Reading - Summary and quesitons for Chapter 6. Reminders - Mass on Friday at 8:45am. Math - Finish classwork. Workbook pg. 141 #17-35 and pg. 143 #14-28. Be prepared for a quiz.
Science - Finish Lesson and Reading Check for Lesson 3. Do Topic Review for Lessons 1-2 only. Test on Monday. Religion - Study for tomorrow's quiz on Lesson 11. ELA - none SS - Do Section 2 Checkpoint questions and study for a quiz. Reading - Chapter 5 summary and questions. Reminders - No School on Friday. Math - Finish classwork and study multiplying fractions.
Science - Finish notes for Lesson 3 - study for a quiz. Religion - Assignment due Wednesday. Read and make notes on 119-122, 120-121 - Green part. Do the Write About it on pg. 122 as Journal #22. ELA - Finish vocab. SS - Finish Section 2 notes. Reading - none Reminders - No school on Friday. Math - workbook pg. 138 # 41-49, pg. 139 odds
Science - Finish Lesson and Reading Check for Lesson 2. Be sure to do Figures 2, 3, and the Math Toolbox. Define vocabulary for Lesson 3. Religion - Finish classwork - Lesson 11 - Define Faith Words. Read pg. 117. Read and make notes on pg. 118. Do The Write About It assignment on copy paper given in class. Assignment due Wednesday. ELA - Finish classwork. English test tomorrow! SS - Finish notes for Section 1. Reading - Do the summary and questions for Chapter 3 in Pigman Reminders - No school on Friday. Math - Study for tomorrow's quiz on Lessons 5-5 and 5-6.
Science - Finish notes for Lesson 2. Rewatch reintroduction of Wolves video in Google Classrooms. Religion - Study for tomorrow's test. ELA - pg. 202-203 #1-20. Vocab - finish unit SS - none Reading - none Reminders - Tomorrow is Color Wars. Wear your team shirt and gym pants. Math - workbook pg. 135 #9-31 odd
Science - Finish vocab and notes for Topic 6 Lesson 1. Religion - Finish flyer for YOU. ELA - pg. 196 #1-10, pg 218 #1-11. SS - none Reading - Finish classwork. Reminders - DRESS WARMLY tomorrow with some extra layers! Make sure you wear LONG socks! Hat and gloves are recommended. Bring lunch to eat there or in the classroom after. There are vending machines but we had a problem with them last year so bring snacks. Snack sale will be open when we get back. Math - workbook pg. 133 odd
Science - Study for tomorrow's test. Religion - Finish Lesson 10 notes. ELA -Vocab pg. 113-114 #1-25. Text pg. 217 #1-7 SS - none Reading - none Reminders - $2 NUT Day. Math - Simulation Test tomorrow.
Science - Study for Friday's test. Religion - none ELA - Finish classwork. SS - none Reading - none Reminders - Food pantry collection tomorrow and Friday. $2 NUT Day on Friday. |
Homework Counts!Keep in mind that homework is 10-15% of your overall average, but it's not just about the grade. Homework helps the new work that you are learning to really stick. After all, what's the point of learning something if you'll never use it! Archives
January 2025